Sunday 22 January 2017

Vikings- Their geography

Vikings were intimidating, strong and prepared. They conquered large areas of land and carried out raids dating back as far as 790 up to the mid 1000s. They built impressive settlements on areas where resources were rich and plentiful. These settlements have plenty of geography and history related to them as well as the Vikings raids, choice of settlements and their travels. I am writing this blog about the geography and history behind Vikings

Vikings originated from Scandinavia and took control of most areas of the United Kingdom and Ireland, some areas of Germany and France as well as all of Scandinavia itself. Vikings built various types of settlements in various locations where resources were rich. They had a good range of weaponry too. Their choice of settlement depended on resources and trade links. Many Viking settlements can be found in central Denmark, along the coasts of Sweden, Norway and Finland and along rivers and by lakes such as the Rhine, flowing through France and Germany. A Viking town was called a Thorpe and residents included traders, sailors and smiths. They lived in houses in small fenced plots made from thatched roof and wood.

The areas and lands that the Vikings had did not provide certain resources needed to run everyday life. The Vikings traded and received iron, textiles, metals, wood, bones and leather. Forestry was carried out among vikings as well as cattle farming. They hunted often for meat. Vikings benefited well from the surrounding geographical features and resources.

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